(本記事は、ジョージ・ビーム氏(編集)、鷹取 孝氏(翻訳)の著書『スティーブ・ジョブズの生声 本人自らの発言だからこそ見える真実』=文響社、2022年10月11日刊=の中から一部を抜粋・編集しています)
ーーーー『ウォール・ストリート・ジャーナル』紙掲載のアップル社の広告 1981年8月
Welcome, IBM. Seriously.… And congratulations on your first personal computer. Putting real computing powerin the hands of the individual is already improving the way people work, think, learn,communicate, and spend their leisure hours. Computer literacy is fast becoming as fundamental a skill as reading or writing.
IBMはすべてを独占しようとしている。そして、業界を支配するため、最後の障壁であるアップルに照準を合わせている。「ビッグ・ブルー(IBMのこと)」はコンピュータ業界全体を支配するのか? この情報化時代を永久に支配し続けるのか?
ーーーーアップル社の基調講演におけるMacintoshのCM「1984」の紹介 1983年
It is now 1984. It appears IBM wants it all. Apple is perceived to be the only hope to offer IBM a run for its money. Dealers initially welcoming IBM with open arms now fear an IBM dominated and controlled future. They are increasingly and desperatelyturning back to Apple as the only force that can ensure their future freedom.IBM wants it all, and is aiming its guns on its last obstacle to industry control: Apple.Will “Big Blue” dominate the entire computer industry? The entire information age? Was George Orwell right?
ーーーースミソニアン協会「Oraland Video Histories」 1995年4月20日
You saw the 1984 commercial. Macintosh was basically this relatively small company in Cupertino, California, taking on the goliath, IBM, and saying “Wait a minute, yourway is wrong. This is not the way we want computers to go. This is not the legacy we want to leave.This is not what we want our kids to be learning. This is wrong and we are going to show you the right way to do it and here it is. It’s called Macintosh and it is so much better.”
ーーーー『ローリングストーン』誌 1994年6月16日
The thing I don’t think is good is that I don’t believe Microsoft has transformed it self into an agent for improving things, an agent for coming up with the next revolution.The Japanese, for example, used to be accused of just copying—and indeed, in the beginning, that’s just what they did.But they got quite a bit more sophisticated and started to innovate—look at automobiles, they certainly innovated quite a bit there. I can’t say the same thing about Microsoft.