
(本記事は、ジョージ・ビーム氏(著)、今村絵里氏(翻訳)の著書『マーク・ザッカーバーグの生声 本人自らの発言だからこそ見える真実』=文響社、2022年11月10日刊=の中から一部を抜粋・編集しています)




If our mission is to make the world more open and connected, I certainly think that starts with us ourselves.
We have this very open culture at the company. Every Friday afternoon, I get up and do a Q&A where anyone in the company can get up and ask me anything they want. One of the things I’m taking away from this is that if we want to lead the world and be the best service for this kind of sharing, that we should really probably be doing a lot more of it ourselves. I wouldn’t characterize it as being a pitchman; I couldn’t do that if I wanted to.
But more open communication is good.






The whole company is really optimized around someone joining, being able to build something very quickly, be able to launch it quickly, iterate very quickly on that. Get feedback quickly. That moving fast ethos is a huge part of what we do.
... And we have this belief that you never build something great by doing the same way that other people have done it. ... For the core things that we wanna do, when we have the decision to either do it the same way that someone else has done it or do it a different way, we’re gonna choose to do it in a different way. And we really encourage people all throughout the company to think about things in that way and make bolder decisions.


Facebook とほかの会社の最も大きな違いは、我々がいかに自分たちのミッションを重視しているかという点だと思います。

ヒューレット・パッカードなんかそうでしょう? あの会社と言えば「HP Way」ですから。グーグルは独自の文化との結びつきが強いと思います──本当に自社の文化に強い愛着を持っているんです。



I think the biggest difference between Facebook and other companies is how focused we are on our mission. ... Different companies care about different things. There are companies that care about, just really care about having the biggest market cap. Or there are companies that are really into process or the way they do things.
Hewlett Packard, right? The thing that you always hear about them is “the HP Way.” Google, I think, is very tied to their culture—they really love that. For us, it is the mission: building a company that makes the world more open and connected. The articulation of that has, I think, changed over time. But that’s really been, like, the belief the whole time.



ーーーーFacebook Liveの動画、2015年9月14日

Everyone has a desk [in the open office], even the people who are running the company. There’s no kind of special offices or anything like that.


我が社には、「Facebook では他人事など存在しない」という社訓があります。


We have a saying: “nothing at Facebook is someone else’s problem.” If you see something wrong, you go fix it.

マーク・ザッカーバーグの生声 本人自らの発言だからこそ見える真実
【編者】ジョージ・ビーム(George Beahm)
作家、編集者。長年、スティーブ・ジョブズやIT、カルチャーについて取材を行ない、手がけた書籍は30作以上に及ぶ。本書の米国版は、発売前の時点でAmazon USなどでベストセラーにランクインしている。
