(本記事は、リサ・ロガク氏 (編集)、ニシカワチサ氏(翻訳)の著書『ビル・ゲイツの生声 本人自らの発言だからこそ見える真実』=文響社、2023年3月9日刊=の中から一部を抜粋・編集しています)
ーーーー『Success Magazine』誌 1988年10月
The way our ladder works, you can keep getting promoted to new levels just by being better at creating the product. It’s important to set examples. When something works out, you take the guys involved in that project and you make them heroes. You let everyone know that people should strive to be like them.
ーーーーCNN Money / Fortune 1995年10月2日
The outside perception and inside perception of Microsoft are so different. The view of Microsoft inside Microsoft is always kind of an underdog thing.
ーーーーIndustry Week 1995年11月20日
The entrepreneurial mindset continues to thrive at Microsoft because one of our major goals is to reinvent ourselves—we have to make sure that we are the ones replacing our products instead of someone else.
ーーーー『Newsweek』誌 1996年12月1日
We never waste a lot of time talking about what we’re doing well. It just isn’t our culture. Every meeting is about “Sure, we won in seven of the categories, but what about that eighth category?”
ーーーーInformation Outlook 1997年5月1日
There’s no one path at Microsoft. We have a very flat organization. Sometimes ideas flow down, sometimes they flow up, or horizontally. Usually, someone will get an idea or identify a problem and send e-mail to someone else. This may kick off a SWAT team to deal with it. At some point, the decision gets made face to face or over e-mail. On strategic decisions, it may go to a senior VP or to me. By and large, we empower people to make decisions themselves.
私たちの文化の素晴らしいところは、自分たちが手がけるプロジェクトが会社の成功と存続の鍵を握っていることを常に意識して運営にあたっている点にある。この業界がいかにダイナミックであるかも自覚しているから、「絶好調じゃないか」などと言ったりはしない。満足すれば、人々は現行バージョンのWindows やOffice を使い続けるだけになってしまう。
ーーーー『Newsweek』誌 2000年4月16日
One of the great things about our culture is that we always operate knowing that projects we work on are key to the success and survival of the company. We’ve never had a culture where we say, “Boy, we’re in great shape,” because we know how dynamic the industry really is. We know we have to replace our products in a dramatic way. Or people will just keep using the current version of Windows or Office.
世界で唯一の銅山を所有する人物のように、私たちは揺るぎない地位を確立している ――そう言われることがあるが、そんなのまったくの皮肉だ。
ーーーー『Newsweek』誌 2000年4月16日
There is a certain irony that somebody says we have this enduring position that’s unassailable, like some guy who owns the only copper mine in the world. The truth is very much the opposite. The company faces challenges, and we need to pull together as a team and do great work.
